AngularJs 1.x and TypeScript best practices - bindToController

One of my best practices when creating new Angular components using TypeScript is to use classes when defining Service(s) and Controller(s) and to use the ‘controllerAs’ syntax for the bindings.

AngularConf2015 - Slides and Code Samples

Last week I had the honor and the priviledge to give speech at the italian AngularConf 2015, which was held at the Environment Park in Turin (Italy). It was a very good event with many interesting sessions on Angular 1.x and a look some aspects of Angular 2.0.

How to add Disqus to your Jekyll Blog

  1. Setup a Disqus account.
  2. Hit ‘Settings’ - ‘add Disqus to Site’.
  3. Fill in the required informations for the site you’ll like to add Disqus to. Disqus settings
  4. After that you are asked to choose the platform in which ‘install’ the service; for Jekyll just pick ‘Universal Code’. This will send you to a page in which you’ll see instructions on which scripts to add to your templates and how to configure them.

Web European Conference 2015 - Slides and Code

Here are the slides of my session: ‘TypeScript - the JavaScript developer best friend’:

Using TypeScript with Gulp

Gulp is a task runner that works on top of Node.js. As a prerequisite you should have Node.js already installed on your system.