We at DotNetMarche (our local, Italian .Net user group) are currently working on the last workshop for this year, it will be just before the Christmas Holidays on December 18th. The event will be divided in 2 different trances: in the morning we will have a presentation of Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2 and Hyper V virtualization and IIS7.5 for the IT managers and IT architects (these sessions will be presented by Piergiorgio Malusardi).

In the afternoon there will be a session entirely devoted to the Web Development using the 3 different technologies that the .Net world offers to the web developers: Asp.NET Classic (presented by Roberto Sileoni), Asp.NET MVC + jQuery (presented by Andrea Balducci), SIlverlight 3 (presented by Alessandro Giorgetti -myself :D).

We will show how you can build some portions of a simple MusicStore application using the 3 different technologies and which approach you can follow, the emphasis will be placed on the facilities that each technologies has in building the UI rather than the architecture of the whole project itself.

Here are some mockups of the  interface we will implement:

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If you are interested - I know you are! - go and subscribe at the event at: www.dotnetmarche.org.

As usual, for those that will stay with us after the workshop, we will organize a dinner and we will be at your service for further questions, jokes, boar ribs eating or whatever you like.

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