Ladies and Gentlemen, DotNetMarche and UgiAlt.NET are proud to introduce to you this very interesting initiative: an entire day devoted to Object Relational Mapping, NHibernate and related technologies.
It will take place next Fall in Italy on 9th October; for more info and details check this post, the official NHDay website and follow us on twitter (tag #nhday).
The event is open to everyone, even non Italians, cause almost all the sessions will be presented in English; if you are interested and want to attend or contribute head to the website and get in touch with us.
Related Content
- The NHibernate Day is coming...this Saturday! (10/06/2010)
- #nhday - after event thoughts (10/11/2010)
- NHibernate - First impressions on ConfORM (26/08/2015)
- NHibernate - Customize the Linq provider to call your user defined SQL functions (10/01/2010)
- Hands on ConfORM: mixed mapping techniques (26/08/2015)
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