On April 16 in Italy at Castelfidardo (Marche) it will take place the next DotNetMarche workshop, based on the requests and the feedback we had on our previous works, we’ve decided to focus on showing some techniques and ‘best practice’ you can use while developing an application using IoC / DI / AOP.

we’ll have 4 sessions for an afternoon of fun!

  • Stefano Leli - will introduce us to some of the basic concepts of using (and why using) an IoC/DI container to modularize your applications.
  • Andrea Balducci - will show us some of the most used libraries (Castle Windsor, Unity,...) and other advanced features these frameworks offer.
  • Giorgetti Alessandro (me :D) - will bring everything ‘live’ in a Silverlight 4 application; we’ll talk about the (in)famous service locator pattern and we’ll see some application examples: I took the demo application we’ve developed and used in the past workshops and refactored it to use a modular approach with an MVVM pattern for the UI...everything is configured and resolved through the IoC container.
  • Gian Maria Ricci - will introduce some AOP techniques to improve the application and clean-up the design a bit.

At the end of the workshop we’ll have the usual Q&A session (and the even more usual dinner after :D)...don’t loose your chance to embarrass us!

For registration and more info head to our community website: www.dotnetmarche.org.

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