Journey to the .NET Core - Windows Development Environment Setup

On the journey to learn .NET Core our entry point should be this link: .NET Core

Migrate from SVN to GIT

I know there are plenty of articles on the subject, but I needed to keep track how I did it. To migrate my current SVN repositories to Git I started to look around for some documentation and ended up with this process in mind:

TypeScript - Visual Studio / MSBuild conditional compilation

Conditional Compilation is not yet available in TypeScript, some requests and proposals have been made:

A first look at IncrediBuild

Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 come with a new free bonus: You can download and install a new version of IncrediBuild.

Jekyll - Pygments, mistyping the syntax highlight language tag results in blog build fail

Jekyll on GitHub uses liquid tags and Pygments as its default syntax highlighter. It generally works great, but sometimes it can cause troubles to the Jekyll build process, especially if you mistype the language it should output.

Fluent Interface and Class Hierarchy in C#

Do you like to have fluent interfaces in your code because they make it more readable?